Saturday 11 June 2011

Silver Shatter Craze and others

Sorry for my long absence since I'm on holiday mood couple of weeks. Having double celebration; Gawai Festival in Sarawak and Pesta Kaamatan in Sabah at the same time school breaks for 2 weeks make kids got big grin on their face (sorry kids cuti dh abes esk2 turun sekolah daaa)..

Owh I just received my OPI Silver Shatter by last Monday. Here's some of pictures that I used it.

Almost half year and OPI Black Shatter still rocks until today especially for polish addict/lover/collector.. During my last holiday I used Black Shatter on OPI Chocolate Shake-speare. The shade of that polish reminds me a glass of chocolate shake.

Looks yummy right??? If this one use White Shatter so that it will looks like chocolate praline...

Besides polishes, I'm also a make up lover. I never attend any make up class, just learn myself to use it. Here's some pics that I've done before.

 All make up accessories/tools/products are bought with my own money. I'll post my polish & make up thingy in my blog next time. I need to sleep. See you in my next post. ;)

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